Wednesday, October 31, 2012

womp womp

turns out I am a brush pansy. here are my four attempts at digitally shading a sphere. stop judging me with your eyes!

ps. here are two more attempts of sphere shading :)

Monday, October 1, 2012


I rethought my color scheme and here are the results: I am working with a water theme, hence the blues. And the yellow has a lot of meaning to me. I think it has an androgynous property when it comes to babies, I feel that it is nurturing; the muteness of the pale yellow has a sense of serenity, but in essence, since it is YELLOW, it still has a sense of adventure. I like yellow.

these are my revised silhouettes. I am not content with any of them, but I think it has to do more with the content than with the execution....well, I can't change my face/head...

Here are the icons I have been working on. I think I have to work a tad bit more on unifying the style. But this is a start.

And here are some of the class projects i had not previously posted : chico mi tipo & my self portrait is no where to be found at the moment. But its yellow, and it has hexagons.

On the topic of connection, I am having a hard time honing in on a concept. My mind-mapping experience ended up in "sex" and "stalking," so I rendered it unsuccessful. Somewhere in the middle, I came up with the concepts of spiderwebs and the universe. I think there is a possibility to illustrate how the universe is connected using messy spiderwebs--six degrees of separation right?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Possible color palettes

Contemplating these colors for the self-portrait. I think they are too pastel-y...meh. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


cheeses. I am so Illustrator illiterate, but this will do. profile silhouettes suck. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Here is some of my previous work. It ranges from photographs, to paintings, to traditional illustrations. My graphic design work would not upload. Ha ha. 
Damaged Goods. 2012. RC Print.

On your knees and pray. 2011. Oil on Canvas.

She's no good. 2012. Ink on Illustration Board.

2012. Graphite on Paper.

2012. Ink and Acrylic on Bristol.

Reality Check:Self Portrait. 2012. RC Print.